Saturday, 6 December 2014

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Wildlife Haven Comes to Lakewood School

On October 29th the Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre came to Lakewood School to talk to us.  The presenter brought a Great Horned Owl and a Swainson's Hawk, and she told us about them.  We learned many interesting facts about owls and hawks.  One thing we learned is that owls have great hearing and that their eyes do not move.  The Swainson's Hawk lives in Manitoba but it flies to Brazil for the winter.  Also, we learned that the Wildlife Haven helps people who find injured, sick, or orphaned wild animals.  At the end of the presentation, we touched the feet of a Great Grey Owl and a Great Horned Owl.  They had fur on their feet and they had sharp talons.  We enjoyed the presentation, especially seeing the owl, Max and the hawk, Avro.

Shared writing by the students in Room 11

Wednesday, 4 June 2014



Pearl Everlasting

Today we went out into our butterfly garden and we weeded.  We observed a few new plants, a spider, and a caterpillar.  It was a perfect day for gardening!

Friday, 16 May 2014

Our Butterfly Garden in May

Today we cleaned up our butterfly garden.  Some of the plants have started to grow.  Antennaria, also known as Pussy Toes, has started to grow.  It grows 5 -15 cm tall and it blooms in May.  Pussytoes are a food plant for the American Painted Lady butterfly caterpillars. Heartleaf Alexander is another spring plant that has started to grow.  It has pretty yellow flowers, and it is the food plant for the caterpillars of the gorgeous Black Swallowtail butterflies.  It grows 30 - 60 cm tall, and it will bloom in June.

Pussy Toes
Heart Leaf Alexander
We found many earthworms!

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Counting By 3s Song

Grade three students should be able to say the number sequence from 0 to 100 by 3s, using starting points that are multiples of 3. This music video is a great way to practice. Counting By Threes Song

Counting By 4s Song

Grade three students should be able to say the number sequence between any two given numbers from 0 to 100 by 4s, using multiples of 4. Counting By Fours Song

Monday, 12 May 2014

Science Design Challenge!

Tomorrow students will be participating in a design challenge. They will try to build the tallest structure using 48 tiny glasses. They will have 20 minutes to complete the challenge.

Measuring Mass!

Today we measured the mass of objects in the classroom. The grade two students used teddy bears to measure the mass and the grade three students used grams. We used a balance scale for measuring.

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Our Butterfly Garden in Spring

Room 11 is looking forward to getting out into our garden this spring.  This is a picture of what our garden looks like now.  Students will be learning about the types of plants that grow in our garden.  When the weather warms up, we will begin the spring cleanup.  We will take pictures of the growth and changes throughout April, May, and June.
This picture was taken in April. 

Friday, 25 April 2014

What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong

We have been discussing the comprehension strategy of visualization.  In honour of Earth Day, students listened to the song, What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong.  As they listened to the words, students created watercolor pictures of the various parts of the song.  The watercolor pictures were used to create this iMovie.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Happy Earth Day! What Does It Mean to be Green?

Using the iBook, What Does it Mean to be Green? by Rana DiOrio for inspiration, students were asked the question, what does it mean to be green?

Plant trees.  Breanna
Turn off the lights when you leave the room.  Miguel
Recycle cans.  Timmy
Walk or ride a bike.  Jenessa
Pick up garbage that is not yours.  Nicole
When you go to the store use a bag that you have at home.  Luca
Use two sides of a paper.  Alexis
Start your own garden and share with others.  Taylor
Use electric cars. Keegan
Carpool.  Kaitlyn
Hang your clothes on the clothes line.  Jenessa
Don't cut down so many trees.  Dylan
Use rainwater to water your plants.  Nicole

Teach kids sustainability: What Does it Mean to be Green?

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Guess the Solid?  Room 11's work using the app, Tellagami

We are learning about 3 D solids in Math.  We need to know how many vertices, edges, and faces they have, and we need to know their names.  A cube has 8 vertices, 12 edges, and 6 square faces.  A triangular prism has 6 vertices, 9 edges, and 5 faces.  There are 2 triangular faces and 3 rectangular faces.  A cylinder has 0 vertices, 2 edges, and 2 circular faces.  It has a curved surface.  A rectangular prism has 8 vertices, 12 edges, and 6 rectangular faces.  A sphere has 0 vertices, 0 edges, and 0 faces.  The cone has 1 vertex, 1 edge, and 1 circular face.


Play Guess the Solid!

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

In Science, we are learning about plants.  We have learned about what plants need.  Plants need water, air, sunlight, soil, and space.  We have also learned the parts of a plant and their function.  Roots bring water to the stem and hold the plant in place.  Leaves absorb the energy from the sunlight and make food for the plant.  The stem brings water to the leaves and holds up the flower.  The flower produces the seed.  The seeds make new plants.  We are doing an experiment to find out what plants need to grow best.  We planted grass seeds in cups.  One cup has sun and water, one cup has sun and no water, and one cup has water but no sun.  The cup with no sunlight has grass growing but the grass is yellow.  We know that plants need sunlight to make chlorophyll.

Experiment to prove the stem brings water to the leaves.
Plant parts and needs

Plant Experiment

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Today's Science Design Challenge

Using 10 gumdrops and 20 toothpicks, students worked with a partner to design a structure that could hold the weight of a large textbook.  After making their structures, students tested their designs.  The big ideas:  triangles are strong shapes and large bases support more weight.  Students recorded the process of what they were doing during their testing sessions.  

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Read all about it! A Newspaper Tower!

Yesterday in Science we had a design challenge.  Students had to engineer the tallest tower possible with two pieces of newspaper and 30 cm of tape.  We had fun building and measuring our towers.  Here are a few of our towers!

2D shapes and 3D solids

After the break, we will be learning about 2D shapes and 3D solids.
2D shapes and 3D solids: Online Learning

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Ancient Egypt Celebration

Our Ancient Egypt Celebration

Today we had our Ancient Egypt celebration.  The students started their day decoding hieroglyphics and trying fresh figs.  They built skeletons of square-based pyramids, and they counted the edges, vertices, and faces.  The students learned and played an ancient Egyptian board game called Mehen.  The afternoon activities included reading the book, The Egyptian Cinderella and a light snack.  The students had fun wrapping each other up as mummies.  We ended the day by watching a movie about Ancient Egypt.  The day was a lot of fun!

Thursday, 20 March 2014

We were playing with Tellagami with Mrs. McMillan today. Here is a multiplication story problem that Miguel created!

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Yesterday the students looked at the 'pyramid of power' in ancient Egypt.  The pharaoh was the most powerful person.  He owned all the land, and he made all of the laws or rules. The students had fun imagining they were the pharaohs of Egypt, and they enjoyed writing their own rules.  These were some of the rules students wanted to share.

No eating fruits or vegetables.  (Kaitlyn)
Play video games no matter what happens.  (Luca)
You can have hippos and crocodiles as pets. (Dylan)
Dance in the classroom.  (Kyra)
Stay up late to watch TV.  (Hunter)
Eat candy.  (Kendra)
Don't go to school.  (Miguel)
Eat junk food.  (Kaley)
No boys in my house.  (Taylor)
No listening.  (Keegan)
Everyone has to eat healthy except for me.  (Jenessa)

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Our Study of Egypt

We have been learning about ancient Egypt in S.S.  We are learning many interesting things so far. 

Here are some of the things that we have learned: 

It is hot and dry. ( Kendra) 
Egypt is in the continent of Africa. ( Miguel) 
The Nile River is the longest river in the world. ( Dylan)
Papyrus grows in Egypt. ( Keegan) 
It is a desert. ( Alexis)
It is sandy in Egypt. ( Timmy) 
Papyrus is used to make paper and boats. ( Kaley) 
The Nile floods it gives soil. ( Luca)
Camels live in Egypt. ( Kira) 
Hippos and crocodiles live in Egypt. ( Dylan) 
If you were a small child you would not wear any clothes and if you were a man, you would wear a loin cloth. ( Hunter) 
They shaved their heads. Young boys had a small lock of hair on the side. ( Xavier) 
They lived beside the Nile River so that they can get water.  (Timmy) 
 They did not eat pigs because they thought they were dirty. They did not have bananas and oranges. ( Hunter) 
Cats were popular. ( Timmy) 
Cheetahs and camels live there. ( Nicole) 
Elephants and giraffes life there. ( Kendra)
The Nile River was also called the River of Life. ( Miguel) 
They eat ducks and they have mummies. ( Kaitlyn)  
They wore jewelry. ( Kaley) 
They have pyramids there. (Jesse)